Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oh man oh man

Oh man oh man.
It has been quite a while since I have written anything on here, how sad.
And I deleted many of my past postings.
They were too fun for normal eyes to encounter 
Anyhow! What have I been up to? Oh gee I am not quite sure.
I just got accepted into my model mayhem account.
Here is my page if you are interested in seeing what I am all about (hehehe)
Now I can start doing paid gigs just for having a photographer take my soul a few hundred times
So that is indeed some fun little news.
I have recently discovered that my favorite computer game is coming out with a second in the series in 2011
oooooooooooooooohhhhhh I CANNOT wait!
Here! Go educate yourself and watch it! wattttchhhh itttt
speaking of random youtube videos.
You should go subscribe to mine 
Here is my channel, go have some fun

Meanwhile, all the normal things of life set aside
(Me? Normal? God, I know)
I had a little bit of a mental flip a few weeks ago,
 (or was it months? I can no longer distinguish between periods of time)
And when I usually have a mental "flip" I somehow end up in the bathtub.
It is a comforting place of sorts.
So I laid down towels and made a bed. But the bed started swaying and then became a cruise ship. 
Then the cruise ship was attacked by a band of pirates off the South African coast and I thought I was done for..... 
But alas! I managed to fight them off bravely by throwing my laptop at the captain.
He then proceeded with his inevitable head trauma and bled to death.
Then all of a sudden. I was wearing the captains hat! And we sailed the seas, mightily fighting, robbing, and raping all we came in contact with.
Then someone texted me. 
And I realized I was still in the bathtub.
And that I was wearing a paper hat.

and yes, that is I in my beautiful paper hat that I earned after a hard days battle.
I think I would look quite good in a captains hat, but hey then again thats just me.
tee hee

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