Monday, December 13, 2010

Damn the Distance

i dont likes it wen ur sadddd
^^ cuddles
im sowwy
dont be sorry hunni <3 i jus wish i could makes you happyful\
youuuu dooo. Just life doesnt :/
i know hunni, but if i was more of a part of your life you wouldnt be so sad
you make me smile and tear up a little lol
y u tear up hunni?
cuzzzzzz idk. lol
lol u dont know or u dont want to tell? lol
a little bit of both? i know that doesnt make sense but still lol
i think what u mean is, your not really sure but u really dont wanna talk about what you think it is
even tho u should tell me anyway cause im fuckin mitch <4
<3 *
well i guess I wish I had a person like you around all the time
lol awessss <3
now y wouldnt u want to tell me that? that was flattering and adorable
I think I would be alot happier if i did, but it also makes me kinda sad because the type of people I want around so much can never be around or end up leaving :'(
ahhhh just cuz i really mean it i guess
you should know you can tell me anything and i wouldnt think differently about you. cause i want the same3 thing you want hun
thanks <3 it really means alot
it just sucks that theres no one around :(
well, im as around as i can be hunn <3
i wish i could actually see you or hear ur voice3
yeah and that video chat didnt fail lol
agreed =[
idk, im kinda worried if i saw you in person id literally tackle you
I think I would love that <3
lol <#
idk, id be afraid id do something stupid tho x.x
AWE whyyyy? >.<
i has reasons
probably cause id be afraid id kiss you or something
lololol thats soooo cute thooooo
lol, it would be acceptable if i wasnt in a relationship, actually, if i wasnt in a relationship, id go after you
god dammit
ive had alot of feelings for you for a while now
what??? =[
the feelings are mutual thats why i say god dammit lol
lol aweeeee
i sorrys
i has bad timing
you really really really do its okay though
its life I suppose :/
i know what you mean x.x
ive liked you since i first told you i did.
damn my shyness
no its damn your distance :(
yeah, if i was closer i definately wouldve made as move on you already. id treat you the way you deserve to be and id try to make you happy agaibn <3
thats probably the sweetest thing Ive heard in a few years
now your really gonna make me cry llol
nnononononononononoooooo dont cry love <3
I try not I try not >.<

lol kisses cheek
we will has to find someone to take my place, much as i dont want someone to, you deserve to be happys
One of the only silly boys that I would probably drop everything for if I could
Lifes circumstances leaves me lonely though....
and him engaged....
Life is Lovely Isnt it?
Things like this always end up making me cry....

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