Sunday, September 19, 2010

And so the Journey Shall Begin

I suppose I should start off with an introductory sentence, statement, thought, well...
Here we go
Are you ready?
Well I suppose you are not, but that is not my fault now is it?
Try to at very least be prepared for some mind fucking then.
First and foremost
Some general ground rules about what is exactly going on here! Hooray!
  1. This so called "blog" (what does that even mean? Does it stand for something?) is used for my personal purposes in hopes to keep my sanity to some extent (although anyone who knows me or even of me deems that an absolute impossibility.) 
  2. These written words will undoubtedly contain mature content. You know, those little things like blood, and violence, cursing, sensitive topics, (mostly religion, not the bashing of but merely the discussion of it) sexuality probably a whole heaping load of it, (oh, you are interested now aren't you?) and much much more fun "stuff". So not for the faint hearted.
  3. I am going to say it now, I will not tell a single fucking lie on here. Everyone says that, so I know its hard to believe in but try to bare with me here and rely in a complete stranger for once in your life. It will be fun. Trust me. I may exaggerate as I am indeed human and that is what action we commit in order to get across how the truth actually feels inside of us. It is, after all, all about the imagery. (heh)
4.   This will contain the very interiors of my mind, furniture and all. Why am I deciding to share it? Well there are many reasons and I imagine anyone who has time to read this will be somewhat intelligent and be able to pick up on these partially disgusting reasons with time (why disgusting? I am not sure, all I know is that I need a new interior designer, it is much too cramped in here...)
With that being said. 
I am overly sarcastic and everything I say should be taken lightly. I am here for your entertainment after all.
(No, no, not like that, perv.)
5. Do I have a point to this? Do I ever? Most anyone who knows me would say I do not
But I suppose most of my point of this is to drag in some unsuspecting, unfortunate reader. Do we all dream that some random publisher will read our blogs (once again, what in the hell does that even mean?) and so we can live the "good life" and not have a care in the world any longer? Well the answer to that is yes. Do I expect that? Ha! Not in the least. I would like to try to maintain what little sanity I have left and so I shall attempt this by a journal of sorts. Maybe I will touch someones heart? (ooh gooey) and find someone to relate to when in comes to nonsensical madness? Well, one can only hope.
But I promise
I am doing nothing but putting my heart and soul into this. 
You have a heart? A SOUL???
Yes, yes. Shocking isn't it.

By this time I imagine whoever has the time of day to read this is wondering what the point is.
Well I shall indeed tell you what the point is.
Mentally unstable people are very fun! It is essential to your life that you know at least one demented fuck up of a person intimately. I guarantee it essential to your health. You will simply drop dead without it. No joke. And its not a pretty sight either
People dropping dead out of the blue
Honestly a very tragic tale, just boom! Oops. Dead. Fun stuff.
(but then again I suppose this would solve the overpopulation problem.)
I had a point.....
I forgot. But I suppose I should prepare any reader for that now.
 My mind turns off at random, uncomfortable and embarrassing points of time.
But it spices things up a bit so I am really not complaining.
If there is someone who I can help or can help me well then. That just makes everything wonderful now doesn't it! (no sarcasm I swear)
ooooh fun! Something completely serious! Well what is the point in that dammit!
And those are all the points I can come up with at the moment.
I know, I am just so damn creative and original!
It could almost be considered blasphemy!
Yes, yes, blasphemy
It is indeed a fun word to say! 
Come on now say it with me now! (yes I am a pep rally leader all of a sudden)

Well I am Le Tired as of right now and I will start my blogging adventures
(yes I realize it is spelled wrong get over it)

So until further notice. This has been an evening news report from yours truly
(oh wait you dont even know who I am yet....)
Well then...
This has been an evening blasphemy report from the interiors of a schizophrenic mind 
brought to you by yours truly on the nineteenth evening of September, two years from the pandemic,

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