Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What just happened?

I need an outlet
To set up my mind in a cage
Lovely containment
But no
No bars are thick enough
Everything seeps through and through...
Through and through and through and.....
Please! Give me back to myself
I need to know who I am....who I could be.
I never could imagine it. You never let me in...
Please say I will get better
When everything is hopeless
Once everyone is gone.....
I need an outlet.
I don't want your comforting touch!
Or that sweet smile, or even that
Deep forest behind your eyes.
I don't want your love!
but please...never leave.........
All I itch for is an object to attack.
I never wanted you to be the one getting hurt.
Give me back? 
So that I may be okay when you leave?
They all leave......physically they disappear.
But....I know you can't leave my soul. 
So sick....I'm branded....
It burns.......


I don't quite remember what was going on while I was writing this.
But all I know is that I was not aware of what I was writing.
It still bugs me that even though I am the one who wrote this in a frantic state with nothing else to turn to....I still do not know what it actually means.
When I am having a mental breakdown the words just flow, and come out as a sort of code to what is driving me to insanity.
The underlying reasons....
My father? Past relationships? My friend? Even myself?
It is almost as if I am my own riddle...

I've always sucked at riddles

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That's only slightly creepy.
    I posted something very similar to this post like a day after you and I hadn't seen yours until right now.
    Same wave length...odd.
