Friday, December 16, 2011



I will be completely honest!

...I stalked him....
and that is how John and I had met.
He was the lone wolf in highschool. Always sat by himself, was always reading something and was always sitting in the oddest of places.
On top of the brick wall, laying down, reading a book.
In the middle of the football field, laying down, reading a book.
At the end of a dark hallway, leaning up against the wall, reading a book.
He would be pacing back and forth, in costume, with a script in his hand and a wooden sword, practicing his choreography and lines.
He was a theater nerd and I loved it. He could quote practically anything from Shakespeare, which I will admit, just made me swoon more.
Never girl shy on stage, but would always turn bright red off stage when complimented by a pretty girl.
He was 5'11, dyed his hair dark blue, had hazel eyes, fantastic teeth, german and irish heritage, a naturally muscular build and a bass/baritone voice
*le swooooon*
and could sing with that voice of his!
* le more swoooooooooon*
After a couple of weeks of discovering all his hiding places on campus, he caught on, and started stalking me.
It developed into a really cute and innocent relationship.
I loved how we were on the same level intellectually (when it came to literature at least) so we could openly challenge each other and be competitive in many aspects.
It was a calm relationship.
No drama, just cuddling, nuzzling each other's faces with our noses and lots of video games haha.
I actually miss how cute he got when he would be losing at a first person shooter game against me.
He would do something annoying yet cute, like tickle me, or throw something across the room randomly to distract me, or just stand up, scoot over, and sit on top of me -_-
I loved how we never had a sexual relationship, simply because I knew I wasn't ready after Jake, and he was respectful enough to not try anything sly with me.
I was a very nervous and paranoid girl in high school, and before senior year, I had never attended a school dance or event.
But John took me to my first, (oddly enough, the lone wolf had been to more dances than I had)
It was a fantastic night, one that I will never forget. Surprisingly, he was a good slow dancer and we danced under black lights in a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed homecoming.

Wow, we were cute, haha. And now I miss my long hair T_T

I loved that he had a passion for theater, and I love the fact that he is now pursuing police work because he wants to be a detective.
I loved that everyone thought he was the kid that would end up blowing up the school haha
I absolutely adored his patience and the way he was with some of his only friends...which were the little kids he would mentor in his acting classes he would take outside of school. He was their hero, and it was adorable.
For as much swooning that was going on, (and still does go on whenever I think about his voice! *le swoon*) the relationship itself didn't last very long.
There were so many traits that I admired about him though, and these traits I wish to find in someone else someday. 
I think of him fondly, and will always affectionately refer to him as "Wolfie"

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